Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Walmart Online Shopping

In this day and age, the Internet has replaced a lot of the everyday activity done outside the house. More and more people are turning to the Web to make their household purchases. The majority of stores have jumped onto this lucrative business strategy and WalMart online shopping has followed suit. Taking advantage of WalMart low prices has never been easier when you can check on the latest deals, simply with the click of a mouse.

Nothing is left to the imagination when you want to enjoy WalMart low prices through WalMart online shopping. Youll find everything you desire right on the Internet, whether it is the toy your son always wanted or the perfect watch to wrap for under the Christmas tree. Through the Internet, you will also be able to find a host of WalMart coupons to use for the purchases on several online and offline selections.

Not only do online products feature WalMart low prices, but also the selection seems larger than life. Through WalMart online shopping, you will be able to choose from more than 80,000 CDs. The latest video games, DVDs, electronics and gifts are all represented on the Internet through WalMart online shopping.

When using WalMart online shopping to make your next purchase, you will find extra capabilities, such as preordering products that havent even hit the stores yet. This includes brand new items, such as Zune, which offers 30BG of storage for all of your music, video and graphic needs.

Enjoying WalMart low prices is furthered by a wide-range of online options. This includes convenient WalMart coupons, clearance savings, extra deals and bargains, as well as exciting rollback prices. Rollback savings can save hundreds of dollars for the same products offered at the WalMart stores.

In regards to new products, WalMart online shopping offers a heads up on the items available in your local store, as well as available through the Internet. They alert the public to new releases in all of their departments, as well as new packaging campaigns.

The downloading of WalMart coupons is available for use in the stores, as well as alerts on product samples. You could be on your way to trying some of the products youve always wanted to sample, but didnt want to risk losing money on a purchase. Some of the WalMart coupons and samples you may encounter include anything from dietary supplements to free contact lenses.

When browsing WalMart online shopping sites, you will also keep up with some of the events being held in your area. This includes product demonstrations, as well as a chance to take advantage of a wide-range of freebies, from discount magazine subscriptions to ongoing contests.

Roy Shepherd Copyright 2006Bobbie Blog1823
Anni Blog68956

What To Look For When Shopping For A Health Insurance Plan

With all the Health Insurance options that are available to us it can be overwhelming finding right health insurance plans for ourselves. There are literally dozens of companies with hundreds of plans to choose from. We have to agree that the main reason for having Health Insurance is to protect ourselves from large unexpected medical bills. So when comparing medical plans that is the main thing we should be looking at. Since IRS says that number one cause of Bankruptcy in the United States is medical bills, specifically medical bills that are over $17,000. We will keep that in mind as we will looks all the factors of selecting right health plan.

Before we get into comparing plans there are three main plan options to choose from: PPO (Proffered Provider Organization), HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) and HSA (Health Saving Account). The simple way to understand the differences is keep this in mind; PPO plans will give the greatest flexibility and ability to choose your own doctor usually from a extensive network of doctors. Most PPO plans have reasonable monthly premiums and usually have a hospital deductibles ranging from $500 to $5000. We will get in to deductible and how they work later on. The simplest way to explain how HMO plans work is to think of a gate keeper system. That means that you get assigned to a specific doctor or medical office (Primary Care Physician) that you have to go thorough to get authorization to get medical care. Most HMO plans comprehensive coverage, small co-pays to go see a doctor and low deductibles ranging from $0 to $1500. HMO plans tend to cost more that PPO plans. HSA plan is a relatively new concept and becoming extremely popular. HSA plans work similar to PPO plan in a context that you can choose your own doctor from extensive list of providers. HSA plan have great advantages when it comes to low monthly premiums and ability to save money tax free for the medical expenses, in similar way to 401k or IRA accounts. The reason for low monthly premiums is that HSA plans have large deductibles usually over $2400. For more information on how HSA plans work and if it is a right choice for you visit

Number one thing we should be looking at is what is called Maximum out of Pocket, also might be called Yearly Maximum out of Packet. What that means is that amount is the maximum you can be out of pocket in any given year for ALL the medical expenses combined. Most of the time that amount will exclude prescription drug coverage deductibles and co-pays. When you are comparing health insurance plans it is important to find out if everything in the plan is applied towards the Maximum out Of Pocket. Some plans that have attractive monthly premiums might have exclusions to where Maximum out Of Pocket is applied only for the hospital stays. Most of the PPO plans have Maximum out of Pocket range from $3000 to $9000. For HMO plans Maximum out of Pocket ranges from $1500 to $4500. Most HSA plans have where your deductible is your maximum out of pocket.

Second we should be looking for a plan from a known insurance company name. There are a lot of large well established insurance companies that you might never hear of. Reasons for staying with a large well known insurance company are that you know they will pay your bills and not going to disappear. The other reason is that chances are most doctors will accept the insurance plan that they offer. I would definitely stay away from 99.9% of Association plans and small insurance companies with less than 10 billion in Assets. You can find that our by going to To date largest insurance company that provides Health Insurance is Fortis and their health insurance plans are called Assurant Health ( Largest health insurance provider in the United States is Wellpoint ( serving approximately 34 million members nationwide. We all know them as Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Keep in mind that in some states Blue Cross and Blue Shield are owned by two completely different insurance companies.

Third we will be looking at the deductibles. There is a huge misconception with how deductibles work. The number one misconception with deductibles is that nothing is covered by the insurance company until this large deductible is met. The reality is that most plans cover most of the things before the deductible is met with small co-pay. In most cases deductible applies only for inpatient and out-patient hospital (surgeries, emergency room). Second misconception is that once deductible is met everything is covered 100% or in case of hospital stay all we will be responsible is the deductible. Although some plans do work that way, most health plans do not. Majority of health plans you are still responsible for, whats called co-insurance. That meant that you are still paying percentage of the bill usually 30% up to you Maximum out of Pocket as me mentioned earlier. That is why Maximum out of Pocket is more important that the deductible. For example if you have a plan with a 2500 deductible and 30% hospital co-insurance, then you are responsible for 2500 plus 30% up to Maximum out of Pocket. There are some plan today available that have no deductible and they are relatively inexpensive. Chances are those are the plans that have high Maximum out of Pocket in most cases over 7500 per person. In case of a family of four in worst case scenario you could be responsible for $30,000. If there is no deductible it does not meat that everything is covered at 100%. The way plans with no deductible work is by having you pay a percentage of the bill starting with the first dollar. Percentage could range anywhere from 30% to 50%, again up to your Maximum out of Pocket amount. The larger deductible you choose the lower monthly premium you will pay. My recommendation will be that you choose deductibles over 2500 unless you are planning on being admitted to the hospital often.

Fourth we will be looking at the prescription drug coverage. The reason prescription drug coverage is very important, because drugs can be very expensive. In the event of major illness or accident drug cost could be in the hundreds even thousands of dollars every month. Most plans do cover prescription drugs. There are few things to consider. First check if the plan has limits on how much the insurance company willing to pay for your prescription drugs per year. Most plans cover prescription drugs up to your life time maximum which should range anywhere from 2 million to 8 million. Some plans offer option where they will cover only generic drugs. This in most cases is sufficient. About 90% off all the brand name drugs have equivalent generic drug available. By choosing a plan that covers generic drugs only you can be saving a lot of money every month on you health insurance premium. Next you should be looking at the deductibles for the prescription drugs. In most cases if plans covers generic and brand name drugs you will have a deductible for brand name drug before your co-pay begins. Most brand name drug deductibles range anywhere from $250 to $1000. Majority of the health plans cover generic prescription drugs right away.

Fifth we will look at annual physical exam coverage. Most plans cover physical exams once a year. There are few things to consider. First if there a waiting period before you can get insurance company pay for your physical exam. Second what is the maximum that insurance company is willing to pay for your physical exam? Last is what your co-pay to get a physical exam is.

Sixth we will look at the doctor visit co-pays. That means what is the amount that you are responsible for after witch insurance company pays for everything at 100%. There are some options to consider. Doctor office visit co-pay could range anywhere from $10 to $50. Some plan might have you pay a percentage of the doctors office visit. After witch insurance company is willing to pay at 100%. Second thing to consider is if the co-pay included lab work and x-ray. Most of the time Lab work and x-rays is billed separately. Company like Assurant Health is willing to pay up to $100 for your lab work and x-rays as part of your co-pay. One of the main things that most people look for in a plan is, how much is their co-pay to go to a doctor? Even though no one in history ever went bankrupt because they could not pay for their doctor visit. If you were to going to pay out of pocket for your doctors visit it will probably cost you anywhere from $45 to $100. The only way it is going to be more than that is of you had sad lab work or minor out patient surgery done.

After reading this article you should have idea of what kind of plan you might want for your self and your family. The one additional thing that I would consider is how well your plan travels with you. For example if you decide to move to a different state or if you travel outside of the country. Most plans do not travel well and most dont cover you if you are outside the country. I most cases if you can a plan in one state and you decide to move to a different state you have to cancel the plans in the state you are moving from and re-apply in the new state. Even if you had same insurance company in the state that you are moving from. If you want more information on the health insurance resource and information visit out online at

Dennis Alexander - leading consultant for employer group and individual/family health insurance. Marketing consultant for major health insurance resource websites and brokerage firms online. Some of the websites consultant and/or administrator, Blog93779
Angela Blog18889

The Art and Science of Computer Game Design

For anyone that enjoys playing computer games, a career and computer game design would be a dream come true. What could possibly the more enjoyable and rewording then designing your own computer game and actually being paid for it? Some designers are paid very, very well indeed. Every fan of computer games has no doubt at least occasionally fantasized having a career in computer game design, as a gamer myself, I have thought about how cool that would be myself.

If you are dreaming of a job in the computer game design industry, the good news is its a huge industry and there are loads of jobs available and it pays remarkably well if you should happen to come up with a hot seller. The bad news is that it is very difficult to learn the requisite programming skills that are required. Getting a degree in computer science is a solid beginning, but there's nothing easy about achieving that either. Of the six friends I had in college that were computer science majors, only one of them has the fortitude to see it through and actually get a degree. It is a grueling major filled with advanced mathematics classes and tedious programming exercises. You really have to be smart, and you really have to be motivated.

If these things sound like something you could handle that a computer game design career may be something you could do. You will definitely need a deep abiding affection for computer games, but that's pretty obvious isn't it? My college friend that got his computer science degree is currently working for a well knowing game design company, and absolutely loves it. He will tell you though, that it is nowhere near the fun and games that he first imagined it would be.

Computer games today have absolutely huge amounts of complex code and can take years to complete. In the infancy of the game industry, computer game design teams often consisted of just a few people. Nowadays, a lot of the games have many different production teams all working simultaneously on a project, with each working in their own field of expertise.

For the really skilled programmers, there is no limit to what you can achieve. Experienced programmers with a proven track record under their belts can not only command a large salary but can have a lot of creative input over the direction of the game.

There are some other job in the computer game design industry and programming does not interest you. Generally, programmers are the most sought after, but good graphic artists and writers can be attractive employees to say game design producers. They may not be paid as well, but they most certainly still make an excellent living in the ever burgeoning industry of computer game design.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning games. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog5222
Bernete Blog11502

Marriott Hotels Varied History And An Overview Of Properties

Marriott International was established in 1993 when the Marriot Corporation split into two different companies, with the other company being named Host Marriott Corporation. In 1995 Marriott International purchased a 49 percent interest in the Ritz Carlton Corporation. Then in 1998 they purchased an additional 50 percent, which gave Marriot International 99 percent ownership.

In 2002 Marriott International started a huge reorganization by creating Senior Living Services Communities. It then began focusing more on hotel management and ownership as these changes were completed in 2003.

At one time Marriott also owned Ramada International Hotels and Resorts. This branch of Marriott was sold to Cendant on September 15, 2004. In a bold move in 2006 Marriott announced that all their hotels in Canada and the United States were now non-smoking buildings scheduled to be enforced in September 2006. The hotel chain says that the new no smoking policy includes all places within the hotel, rooms, lounges, restaurants and employee lounges.

The histories of the various branches of Marriott International is a varied and colorful past filled with mergers and acquisitions too many to detail here.

Marriott is dedicated to service. It is said that the "spirit to serve" was the founding principle since day one, and is still strong today. The goal is to anticipate your needs and make you as comfortable as possible while you are traveling.

They are dedicated to the business travel as well as the vacation traveler. Many of their properties are beautiful resorts. Naturally, all rooms are equipped with high-speed internet and modern phones with voice mail and data ports. Each room has a work space with a light weight desk that rolls so you can move it to where ever you wish to work.

All the lamps bases have electrical outlets for easy use and they all have a no glare feature so computer monitors can be easily read. In the lobbies they have a professional business center with all of the services, fax, print, make copies or ship packages. The rooms are similarly well equipped with hair dryers, personal care products, irons and ironing boards so you will always look your best.

The rooms are spacious so you can spread out. All the bedding is premium, down comforters, high end cotton linens and marvelous fluffy pillows. Of course, the TV is remote controlled and there are in-room movies, or HBO and ESPN. There is a complimentary fitness kit you can use ion your room or use the pool, spa and gym.

The dining is gourmet and varied. They have and new breakfast program called re:Start and an a nighttime program called re:Plenish (both programs are trademarked). There is in-room coffee that you can drink while reading your complimentary USA today. The Concierge and Executive levels have complimentary breakfasts and afternoon snacks and are equipped with an honor bar.

If you are hosting a business conference or a wedding Marriott's have meeting rooms and ballrooms for your use. They have employed "meeting service" professionals to help you plan all the details of your event.

To make reservations, locate a Marriott hotel or find out about amenities and services of specific hotels, visit the official Marriott website at You can also find out more about the hotels history as well as plans for future development. Take a look at their corporate information page for investment information.

Copyright © Mary Hanna, All Rights Reserved.

This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

Mary Hanna has traveled the world by Air and Ship while writing eBooks, Software Reviews and Practical Articles on Internet Marketing, Cruising, Gardening and Travel. Visit her websites at: and You can read more of her articles at Blog76166
Bee Blog25672

Is Your House Cool Now?

That trading spaces show can be scary.

Imagine a group of strangers flocking to your house one fine day, okay, completely well-meaning they may be, but at the same time blunt too, because, nah, they've decided your house just isn't cool enough and you definitely need an upgrade in your sense of style. Should we say more? Or are you already considering changing that kangaroo print pillowcase in your living room?

Cool. That word. What's up with cool anyway?! For a concept that supposedly shouldn't have any boundaries, cool has frighteningly evolved into something we religiously pin on a particular person, activity, place, and gadget. And yes, home.

Okay, we're not talking about cool homes here, as in energy-efficient homes (it's a perfectly worthwhile topic of course, but not for now). We're talking about homes being top-dollar cool in the market here; we're talking about cool homes palatable enough for choosy and discriminating buyers. Cool translates to good status and good worthsomething you would want others to catch you in. We just know what's cool and what's not. The scary part, though, is when we insist others to be coolthe right kind of cooljust like us.

Real estates are admittedly a business that heavily depends on projecting the cool image and right surface. Home designers and interior decorators are no wonder sought-after people because they seem to know what cool people want for their homes. Or maybe they just dictate what should be cool.

Can cool be manufactured then? If you're seriously considering selling your house, then there's certainly no harm in invoking the cool inside and outside. Nothing wrong with a cool paint of Van Gogh yellow, or cool stainless steel countertops, or cool surround system, or whatever that's currently cool. (Here, youll be reminded that cool sometimes requires money.) Whatever cool stuff you do, just be careful you don't overwhelm the house with too much cool that it doesn't leave space for the buyers identities anymore. You want the new owners to plot out their own sense of cool too, of course.

So, don't let anyone tell you what's cool for your house. After all, coolfor it to be coolshould never be a prescription.

Neoli Marcos write articles and press releases for - this piece he made served as an article exclusive for - which offers a comprehensive list of office & commercial real estates, homes for rent or sell and an apartment finder to thousands of properties in Australia.Brynn Blog43851
Annette Blog5741

Driving License Information

Driving license in the United States not only gives you rights and permissions to drive motor vehicle but also acts as personal identity card like the Social Security Number. It can be used as a form of identification for several purposes like opening bank accounts, traveling within the country, and as proof of legal age to buy alcohol and tobacco.

US federal government does not issue national driver licenses. All the 50 US states issue driving licenses separately and they can be used anywhere in America, Canada, and even abroad in certain countries. Every state has its own requirements and application procedures for driving license to the citizens as well as immigrants.

However, in all states you have to appear in a written test, road test and vision test. Some of the states allow foreign license as a proof of one's ability to operate a motor vehicle, thus if you have one they may not ask you to give a road test again. There are also different classes of licenses depending on the type of vehicle you will drive.

If you have not taken the US citizenship, you have to show the proof of your Immigration status for applying for a driving license from any state. This was added by the federal government after 9/11 as an extra security measures when obtaining a driving license. Driver licenses that do not meet these requirements are not accepted as legal identification to get entry into a federal building or to board an airplane in the country.

There is a US government website ( that provides information on driving license. The site has all the details how you can apply, what are the procedures and requirements for a driving license. It has a map of the US and by clicking on the state where you want to apply you can get the information and the procedures.

If you are planning to go to the US, besides American visa and driving license there are many things you should know about. Visit which specializes in filling in the forms of US green card lottery in a complete and accurate manner ensuring that your form for the lottery is complete in all respects. You can get information about social security card, diversity lottery, US citizenship, etc. at the portal.

Manu Goel is Senior editor for web articles. specializes in the green card lottery application process. We will check your form for errors and notify you of missing information and photo requirements. We will then ensure your application is filed timely, properly and accurately. Anstice Blog71727
Alina Blog2429

Religious Degrees - Distance Education And Faith

For people of faith who want religious degrees, distance education is a viable option. It's often hard to find faith based education that is convenient. Traditional schools that offer religious degrees may not exist in your community. If they do exist, they are frequently more financially challenged than other schools, and offer fewer classes when non-traditional students can take them.

People of any faith can find distance education particular to their faith. You can learn Hebrew or Arabic online...or you can learn in Hebrew or Arabic online. There are three basic categories of religious education that you can access online.

Religious Degrees From a Religious Worldview

People of faith have a particular worldview, and sometimes you want an education that is consistent with that worldview. For example, an evangelical Christian might want to go to an evangelical Christian school, or an Islamic student might want to go to an Islamic school. For the most part, religious schools don't reinforce biases and prejudices. Instead, they begin with a certain set of assumptions, usually about God and the universe, and learning is shaped by those assumptions.

There are some good reasons to take online classes from these schools. If, for instance, you plan on a career related to your faith, a faith-based degree might enhance your career opportunities. Sometimes people attend religious classes because it's just easier and more comfortable to learn with people who are like you and believe like you do. And sometimes they want to explore their own faith in greater depth, and choose a religious degree program for that reason.

Religious Degrees That Apply Your Faith

Another reason people might want to pursue getting a religious degree is to prepare for a career. It's very common to use online learning or distance education for this. Christians can attend Bible school and seminary through online learning to prepare for a variety of ministry jobs.

People of faith get religious degrees to prepare for other careers, too, such as counseling. A Hindu may choose to get a degree in ayurveda, a vedic system of natural healing that has its roots in Hindu faith. Counseling and ayurveda are both practical degrees that allow you to use your faith in your career.

Religious Degrees for Scholars

Some people pursue religious degrees to satisfy their intellectual curiosity, or to do advanced study in some facet of religion or just to learn more about religion in general. They may or may not practice the faith that they are curious about.

Distance learning is a great way to engage in scholarly religious study. Through distance learning you can not only get a degree, but you can also study with experts all over the world. You can take a class on the Talmud from Hebrew University in Jerusalem, or study the words of Jesus from a Jesus Project scholar.

Whatever your reason for getting a religious degree, distance learning will make it an obtainable goal for you.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of where you can find the best distance learning programs and degrees to suit your needs including online christian education.Aprilette Blog99104
Cathe Blog24149

Attention Shoppers - Retail Stores Are Destroying Our Credit Scores

Imagine this...

You walk into a department store to purchase something you need. Then the friendly young person at the cash register says, "You can save 20% off your purchases today if you apply for our store credit card right now."

Save 20%? Wow! Sounds like a great deal, doesn't it? But let's take a look at what really happens to your credit when you give in to that temptation.

How Department Store Credit Cards Work

First of all, you have to remember that the young clerk, who barely looks old enough to drive, doesn't understand how the system works. They just focus on how many applications they can "sell" during the holiday season. Clerks who sign up the most people get some kind of bonus in returnusually cash or company merchandise.

Let's assume you agree and fill out a credit application. The clerk presses a few buttons and processes it on the spot. (Guess how? Yup, by quickly making a decision based on how high one of your FICO credit scores is.) This is called "instant credit." You see, retailers know that the best time to sell you something is while you're still in the store.

Whether or not you get approved, you have a credit inquiry from that store on your credit reports.

Your FICO Scores Can Plummet Up to 12 Points Per Inquiry

According to our research, each credit inquiry can lower a person's credit scores up to 12 points. And here's the kicker...EACH department store credit inquiry will affect your scores for 12 months. That's 1 year! 365 days! 8,760 hours!

Let me repeat that: EACH inquiry from any retail store will count against your credit scores. Sometimes you end up going to 8, 10, or 20 different stores. If you're applying for cards at all those stores, your scores are going to take a major dive.

Meanwhile, Back at the Department Store...

The young person behind the register suddenly announces (loudly, of course) that you were denied credit, gives you a receipt, and says, "Thank you, please shop with us again." You walk out of the store rejected. Not to mention embarrassedand you didn't even save any money because you have to actually qualify for the card to save the 20%. Punks.

What went wrong?

You weren't prepared.

I remember the fear that ran through me every time I filled out a department store credit application after my bankruptcy. I would actually wait until there was no one in line at the cashier! That way, if I got declined at least I wouldn't get too embarrassed.

In the Snyder household, we don't apply for this type of credit anymore. It was one of the reasons we filed bankruptcy 12 years ago. So we stay clear of department store credit. It's expensive credit (the interest rates usually hover around 23%) and it's too tempting and too easy to go into debt.

And the worst thing about department store credit is that the negative impact of the inquiries will last 12 any store credit card applications you fill out will haunt you for the next year. It can be a vicious cycle if you don't break it. You can do it...break the cycle.

There's very little a retail store credit card can do for you that your normal VISA or MasterCard can't. I should know...before I filed bankruptcy I was the king of buying on store credit! The more store credit I got, the more successful I felt. I don't do that anymore. Now I know better. And so should you.

Who you are isn't determined by how many credit cards you get approved for. Do you even need their credit card? Is saving 20% of $50 really worth the trouble? (Seriously, do the math...10 bucks is all you would save.) Remember, whether you get approved or declined, your credit scores are going to take a hit. And when you're recovering from bankruptcy with credit scores that are already low, every point counts.

The Best Way to Apply for a Department Store Credit Card

But let's assume you're smarter and more responsible than I was when I was younger, and that you've never had a problem with spending more than you can afford (after all, we don't all go bankrupt because of overspending). Here's how to properly master this process.

1. Find out what their credit guidelines are. Specifically, you want to know what credit reporting agency they use to make a lending decision and what minimum FICO credit score is required to get approved. Don't bother asking the young people at the checkout registerthey won't have a clue. Your best bet is to call someone in the store's credit department.

2. Know all three of your FICO credit scores. You can purchase them through This way, if the credit card issuer tells you their credit guidelines, you'll know whether you'll qualify or not.

3. If the credit card issuer cannot give you straight answers to the questions you're asking, then talk to another person within the department that will. If no one will tell you what you need, you're either not asking the right people, or you should take it as a sign you shouldn't be applying for that credit card.

By knowing the retailer's credit guidelines and your FICO credit scores you can apply for credit with confidence.

Last Words...

Of course, it's easy to get caught up in the joy of bringing a smile to someone's face when you think you're being a good parent or spouse by spending more than you can afford on credit. You must remember, the joy your children will get from a bunch of small gifts now will be multiplied by a hundred when you're financially stable enough to pay for their college education...or buy them their first car...or help them with a down payment on a new home. Plus, your financial responsibility will set a great example for your children.

The bottom line is: you need to think twice about the negative effect credit inquiries have on your ability to finance more important things such as mortgages, home equity loans, new cars...not to mention your insurance premiums could skyrocket!

Stephen Snyder is the founder and president of the After Bankruptcy Foundation (, a non-profit organization that provides free resources for helping people recover from bankruptcy (http://www.LifeAfterBankruptcy). Stephen is also an author, speaker and leading authority on bankruptcy recovery and credit scoring.Bobette Blog69477
Alix Blog66276

Getting The Right Testimonial For Your Website

Testimonials are credibility qualifiers. They provide the much needed believe factor. However, when you visit many websites you read testimonials and you dont believe a word they are saying. Why?

Sincerity and honesty play a major factor. When you read many testimonials they tend to just say, Oh yeah, the product is great. Ill buy from them again! This type of testimonial is actually a waste if your time and your customers time. This type of testimonial fails to address a reason, any reason as to why the product or service helped the individual who is giving the testimonial.

A much better testimonial would be:

I tried this product and that service and I was never comfortable giving them my money. When I found YOUR company, I found that you had a real telephone number, a real address and real people answering the phone. I really didnt need to be sold on the product. I wanted to know if YOUR product could help me. What I found was very helpful sales staff that faxed and emailed answers to my many questions promptly. I asked about technical support and I was able to speak with the director of operations. You dont get that anywhere. As a result, I purchased 3 Enterprise Level Site Licences and I am very pleased.

John Doe, President
The Universe

A caution about testimonials and repeat after me:


Nothing will greatly devalue your product or service like fake or artistically created testimonials. Nothing smacks of disservice and will give the naysayers of Internet business and marketing more ammunition to preach about the perils and dangers of doing business on the Internet.

So, how do you get a qualified testimonial? Simple. Ask your customer. You can do this in a few ways. You can send them an email asking if their permission (yes, you need their permission) and what type of positive experience they had with you product or service. This is crucial. You dont ask if they liked your product/service. You dont ask if they could help you improve your product/service. You ask them, Please tell us your positive experience with our ____________ product or service. At the bottom of the form/email, you ask them for their permission or you can tell them that by replying to your email they are giving you permission to use their testimonial. Always be clear and specific when making this request. Most customers are more than willing to give you a positive response especially if you helped them solve their problems.

Testimonials can make or break your business. By using real, verifiable testimonials you have just increased your on-line business success.

Mark Gerrard is the Development Manager of the Freestart Website Builder Platform. See our website builder in action at Arabele Blog4020
Celestia Blog51825


Get ready for a wake up call, because today's bedrooms are much more than a rumpled bed and a place to lay. Whether you are planning to revamp a master bedroom, a tiny guest room, or a detached in-law suite, current options by Melrose Home Collections are sure to inspire you. Melrose Home Collections is a successful and well respected company that caters to the latest in home fashions. If you are looking for the latest in home fashions, Melrose Home Collections makes a leading fashion statement in bedding. Gone are the days of guess work of which pillow accessories work best with the comforter set. The traditional comforter sets which include a comforter, shams and bed skirt are "OUT"... the new ways to shop for bedding have now been made easy. Melrose Home Collections have included complete sets- including four or five shams, decorative pillows, comforter and bed skirt. This is the new and "IN" way to shop for no hassel decorating for your King or Queen bedding. You simply can't go wrong! The designers at Melrose Home Collections takes all of the complicated picking a choosing accessories away and offers you a time saving concept which features Queen nine piece sets and ten piece super king collections. The juvenile bedding is offered in five piece sets in a twin and six piece sets in a full. This new concept includes your decorative shams and and decorative pillows already design to match your bedding set perfectly! If you are looking for the latest in bedding Melrose Home Collections has included fifteen exciting ensembles with a selection of styles from traditional, contemporary, and juvenile collections. The following is a preview offered by this exceptional company!

Aprillia comforter set includes the new colors of contemporary decor. This dreamy watercolor palette of aqua and brown is a fresh new look with a blend of silk and a 100% polyester fill. This luxurious comforter softly lays over the bed with cleverly designed brown, aqua, and taupe stripes near the middle of coverlet. The fitted pleated bed skirt blends perfect with the two large ribbon stripes in the comforter. Melrose designers have created shams of brown and aqua back additional pillow shams, with the same touch of brown and aqua as in the bedding. Two lovely decorative button pillows with triangular patterns lay in front of the matching shams for a polished look. Melrose Home Collections has included a neck roll in this comforter package for a added touch. In addition another new and exciting look is Avignon Comforter set. It can provide opportunities for a bedroom design statement.

Now come find what you have been looking for with Melrose Home Collections Avignon or Barona. Whether you have got an incredible idea in mind or no idea where to begin, you are looking in the right area with these two bedding sets each with great syles,colors and complete different... but completely stylish! The traditional light colored motif on Avignon bedding adds depth and rich texture. Uses of the stripes of pale green, kiwi green, and ginger can add a masculine touch. This masculine look might be why both sexes can agree on this comforter set. The solid butter box pleat in the bed skirt ties in with the bedding, decorative shams, and decorative pillows. Materials repeating in the comforter, and accessories include the same elegant print throughout the bedding, tieing the complete set together in a flowing pattern. Barona is a beautiful Polyester Jacquard blending large elegant purple and butter stripes. The fitted box pleat skirt is tailored perfect and matches the large butter stripe on the comforter, decorative pillows, and shames. The shams, and decorative pillows include the same purple and butter stripe motif. The decorative neck roll has a little different design to add a visual appeal to this luxurious bedding set.

Melrose Home Collections has added a new "grey" to bedding styles. This great contemporary color in bedding will have you thinking twice about adding a dark color in your bedroom. Cole comforter set is an contemporary timberwolf grey bedding set with a distinct sense of style with neutral color schemes. Grey is the main color of this set with tiny lines making for larger gray stripes. The content of the comforter is Polyester and the trim is also polyester. The bedding shams are striking with the light and dark stripes, and the decorative pillows add to this appealing contemporary look. The bed skirt is a tailored box pleat of solid gray that ties in the entire color scheme.

Countess comforter set by Melrose Home Collections combines the luxury color of marine blue with beautiful golden and copper colors as highlights. It is simply elegant with the beautiful draping tailored bed skirt that ties together the decorative pillows and the undertones in the comforter. A royal and elegant motif runs throughout the comforter and shams. With the different designs and colors in the decorative pillows, this comforter set makes a sumptuous additions to the overall royal appearance. Melrose Home Collections makes the comforter fabric of cotton/polyester, and the trim is a silk/ polyester blend. The comforter and decorative pillows are filled with soft 100% polyester. To maintain the rich look, we suggest you dry clean or spot clean this luxurious set.

Picture this, works of art in bedding that work beautifully. Melrose designers have created a beautiful work of art with the new bedding pattern Giselle. Giselle comforter set features a lavishly scrolling pattern of green and contemporary gold motif. This pattern continues throughout the comforter and into the front shams. Decorative pillows and lovely shams accents each item of this refreshing ensemble. A pleated tailored bed skirt brings in the solid green to add contrast to the overall look. Giselle can make any bedroom turn into a dream room.

If you knew you wanted a warm, comfortable colors for your bedroom, but wasn't sure which one Melrose Home Collections makes it easy with Lula, and Puff and Stuff. Lula is a delicate coverlet set that can become a stage for drama in a room. Lulu is eye candy with the delicious colors of purple, tickle me pink, robins egg blue, and wisteria. Put these colors together and its a delight for the eyes. A wisteria colored light weight coverlet made of 100 % polyester satin gracefully covers the bed while colorful pillows adorn the top of the bed. A tailored bed skirt elegantly completes this charming look. Melrose Home Collections makes this set complete with decorative pillows including a colorful butterfly pillow. This set will suit a teen right on up to a college student. If you love the delightful colors of purple, Puff and Stuff comforter set by Melrose Home Collections is a unique one of a kind kids bedding set. This adorable set is included in the kids bedding, however we personally know that it is most popular with college girls and the young at heart. This silky comforter is made of 100% polyester satin. Melrose Home Creations made the adorable poodle balls of polyester micro fiber. With colors of periwinkle and offshoots of purple mountains majesty make a charming companion to a feminine bedroom. This comforter set truly explode on the senses in sweet burst of color.

Melrose contemporary designs like no other with Mocha and Range! You have your choice of contemporary squares or contemporary circles. With the colors of Mocha, sand, and tumbleweed, this contemporary bedding set can only be a modern luxury and sophistication. Three accent pillows in various fabrics which blend with either the face of the comforter or the bed skirt prevails at the top of the comforter and are use as a stunning combination of color and design. The comforter is filled with 100% polyester and the fabric is made of cotton and polyester blend. We recommend you dry clean or spot clean to maintain the elegant look of this lush, contemporary bedding set. Range Comforter set is a masculine bedding set made of colors of nature. Brown squares including burnt senna, chestnut, and tumbleweed float on the top of the comforter.These beautiful colors stirs visions of fertile fields or summer seared grasses. A dark brown stripe lays around the entire comforter making a bold statement. The box pleated bed skirt blends perfect with pillow shams and decorative pillows. Melrose designers have designed decorative pillows that have accents with the contemporary squares in the comforter and the touch of geometric pattern in the bed skirt. This set includes a package set of decorative pillows to make a easy decorative statement

Two simply elegant sets Melrose designers have created are Pandora and Paris. Both can create a place to dream! Pandora comforter set is a document of gold paisley designs in a rich crimson and gold print. Ribbons of solid gold and crimson trim the comforter. The comforter is filled with 100% polyester,and the face fabric is made of a polyester and cotton blend. Melrose Home Collections completes this comforter set with a set of matching paisley shams and a set of solid crimson shams with a gold band that blends perfectly with the comforter. Decorative pillows are offered in accents of paisley pattern mixed with solids of gold, and crimson. The bed skirt is a trendy solid box pleat. Paris has colors of Turquoise blue green and taupe that are combined in this regal inspired print on a polyester/ rayon fabric. Both the comforter and the pillow shams are printed with the same intricately drawn pattern. The beautiful elegant colors of blue green, taupe, and sand flow from the fitted bed skirt to the finishing touches on each decorative pillow. Paris comforter set and bedding includes three decorative pillows, a comforter, bed skirt and shams. The comforter is filled with soft 100% polyester.

Added to Melrose Home Collections Juvenile bedding is Pendelton camo set. Like no other camo....its high design contemporary! Pendelton comforter set is a smart looking unique camo bedding set and trimmed with personality.. You may have seen camo bedding before, but we know it never had the detail and design of this camo contemporary comforter set. With the mixed nature colors of army green, tumbleweed, deep woods brown, and raw sienna, even if you never liked the look before, you will second guess your decorative inspirations with this set. This comforter set is a very popular set with our teens and nature lovers. The comforter face if made of poly cotton with netting, and corduroy. The mixed colors of the camo bed skirt blends with the decorative pillows, bed shams and ties in with the comforter perfectly.

Provence comforter set by Melrose Home Collections is a beautiful comforter set made of seafoam green and mahogany copper. Its what dreams are made of. The Seafoam green comforter mixed with this beautiful mahogany copper bed skirt has the colors of rejuvenation, youth, and promise. In your home, you can choose to enjoy these shades to impose a calming effect. It is a baroque like medley of harmonious pattern and soft textures. Melrose designers created the face of the comforter has a soft geometric tone on tone of seafoam greens. These colors are the new soft dreamy colors that are great for a romantic luxurious bedroom.

Autumn washes like a scarlet and gold tide. It rises high in the mountains, swirls through the valleys, and sweeps to the coast. With it come stirrings of wanderlust. Keep the colors of autumn year round without the colors fading into winter with Laura. Laura is a relaxing and soothing bedding set of nature that Melrose Home Creations wants you to injoy. The ethereal and romantic bouquets in natural tones of bittersweet orange, asparagus green, and off-white are combined to make this set a homey grouping. The beautifully coordinated floras and naturals on the decorative pillows adorns the top of the bed and brings this elegant flora look together. The neck roll includes both natural tones and the flora print that floats on the comforter. The shams also bring out the natural tones in the background of the bedding. The face fabric is made of a polyester jacquard blend.

If you are going to spend a third of your life in bed, it seems only sensible to create a pampering place to lay your head with any of these bedding choices by Melrose Home Collections.

Fara Middleton is an accomplished Interior Decorator, That has been working in the industry for over 14 years, in the Mobile, Alabama area.Aeriell Blog38641
Alexia Blog81881

Home Schooling Costs - What Are They?

When people consider teaching their children at home, without any structured curriculum, they may think that the home schooling costs will be able to be kept down to a reasonable level. But this is not necessarily the case at all. If you try to ensure that your children get a state of the art education so that they can compete on a level footing with regular school goers, the costs can skyrocket. In actual fact schooling a child at home can turn out to be quite costly.

A computer, current textbooks, course materials, all these things cost some amount of money, also there are extra costs for any tutors the parent decides to bring in to teach subjects that they cannot teach themselves, such as science or higher level maths. These costs can be minimised when several children are able to reuse the materials.

Another point to consider is that the requirement of having one of the parents tied to the home on a full time basis can deprive the family of an extra wage packet. This can, of course have a substantial impact on the familys income.

Having a membership in a public library, various outside activity classes and other cultural events can also help in keeping the costs down. One idea is to barter expertise or services. For example, the parent of a nine year old has dancing classes; her daughter gets drawing classes in return.

However much it costs, the devotees of home schooling state that the benefits more than outweigh the drawbacks. When you are in control of what knowledge your child receives, and what subjects he or she should be taught and to what level, it can give you loads of freedom and a lot of power. The children and also the parents can benefit greatly from this mutually enriching experience.

James Hunaban is the owner of a site full of information and advice about Home Schooling.Belita Blog30091
Bobbie Blog79833

Borzoi Puppy And Dog Information

The Borzoi can survive in an apartment as long as she gets frequent exercise. A properly fenced yard could be better for her but keep in mind that she can easily jump a six foot fence. Once she gets on the run, she may catch a scent and be gone. She can not be trusted around small animals including the neighbors cat. She can kill an animal before you can stop her. She is ok with children but this is iffy. She dislikes roughhousing, arguing and likes her rest. She seems to be a one person dog that can be difficult to train. She is royal looking and beautiful.

*Approximate Adult Size. The approximate adult size (two years old or older) of the male Borzoi is at least 28 inches to the withers (highest point of the shoulder) and 75 to 105 pounds and the female is at least 26 inches to the withers and 60 to 90 pounds.

*Special Health Considerations. Most dog breeds have certain inherited health problems associated with that specific breed and the Borzoi is no exception. Keep on the look out for gastric torsion (life-endangering distension of the stomach with gas), retinal atrophy (inherited disease of the retina that can cause vision loss and blindness), heart disease, and Osteosarcoma (bone cancer). They are also possible sensitive to certain drugs especially anesthetics and topical insecticides. This disease list is an informative guideline only. Other diseases may also be significant threats, please contact your veterinarian for a complete list.

She should visit the veterinarian several times in the first year for shots, boosters and check up. Then, as an adult, she should visit the veterinarian yearly for shots and check up. As she gets older, six years and on, she should visit the veterinarian twice a year for check ups and shots. Remember; avoid feeding your dog sweets.

*Grooming. The Borzoi has a long, silky coat with waves or curls. She should be brushed regularly. She is a seasonally heavy shedder. Brushing will help her maintain a clean and healthy coat and also help you keep a closer eye on her health and strengthen your emotional bond with your pet. Her hair between her toes also needs to be maintained.

Her teeth should be brushed at least twice a week with toothpaste and toothbrush designed for dogs. Brushing removes the accumulation of plaque and tartar which can cause cavities (rarely) and periodontal disease. Dog periodontal disease can lead to pain, loss of teeth, bad breath and other serious disease.

Her toenails may need to be examined for growth and clipped regularly. The toenails of the rear feet grow slower than the toenails of the front feet. Generally a guillotine type trimmer is the best for this chore and competent instructions to accomplish this can be found on the net.

*Life Span. The Borzoi can live between 10 and 12 years with proper nutrition, medical care and excellent living conditions.

*History. The Borzoi is thought to hail back to the thirteenth century nobleman who used them to hunt. They were first registered with the American Kennel Association in 1891.

Some Registries:
Borzoi Club of America
UKC United Kennel Club
NKC National Kennel Club
CKC Continental Kennel Club
APRI Americas Pet Registry Inc.
AKC American Kennel Club
FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale
NZKC New Zealand Kennel Club
KCGB = Kennel Club of Great Britain
ANKC = Australian National Kennel Club
ACR = American Canine Registry

Litter Size: 6 to 7 Borzoi puppies

Category: Hound. Member of the Greyhound family.

Terms To Describe. Well mannered, gentle, intelligent, graceful, loyal, sweet, sensitive, aloof, royal, swift

Medium watch dog.
They rarely bark.
Good with dogs.
More of a one person dog.

Poor guard dog.
May kill small animals.
Can easily jump a six foot fence.
They keep themselves clean.
Keep them on a leash as they will run.
Can be a picky eater.
Does not like to play rough with children.
Stubborn and difficult to train.
Not good with children.

*Other Names Known By: Russian Wolfhound, Russian Sighthound

*Every dog is an individual so not everything in this information may be correct for your dog. This information is meant as a good faith guideline only. Additional information on the Borzoi can be found at

Mitch Endick is a short article writer for the popular pet site: He provides informative advice on all pets including dogs, puppies, cats, fish, reptiles, birds, ferrets, rabbits, mice and even pet bugs. also has an extensive pet classified ads section.Annaliese Blog32276
Alfreda Blog64530

The Basics Of Student Loan Debt Consolidation

You can combine several of your student or parent loans into a single student loan debt consolidation. You can consolidate your federal student loans too, but make sure that you do not consolidate both your federal student loans and private student loans into a single student loan debt consolidation program. Just as other debt consolidation loans, you must make your student loan debt consolidation payments to a single lender, who further disburses to your old creditors.

To go for debt consolidation of your student loans, your minimum balance should be $5,000, and you must either be in the six month grace period after your studies, or are already repaying your student loan.

Before selecting your student loan debt consolidation option, review all the advantages and the disadvantages:

Through debt consolidation you make your student loan payments to a single lender.

Depending on the balance of your loan amount, your consolidated student loan has an extended repayment term from 10 to 30 years.

When negotiating with your bank or financial institutions, ensure that your phased repayment plan allows you to easily meet your monthly payments and have a good credit rating, at the same time.

The rate of interest for student loan debt consolidation is capped at 8.25 percent for federal student loans.

Once the rate is fixed you cannot take advantage if the interest rates fall in future.

There are no fees charged for student loan debt consolidation.

Once approved, you cannot undo your debt consolidation of your student loans as they have already repaid in full to your previous creditors, and they no longer exist.

You can still obtain debt consolidation for your over due, or unfulfilled, student loans if you negotiate a satisfactory repayment plan with your bank, or debt consolidation lender. Married couples, too, can consolidate their individual student loans together. This is regardless of how much each owns before consolidation, and must now agree to pay the consolidated amount.

Gibran Selman takes care of a website dedicated to gather information, on and off the internet, about debt consolidation and other related subjects.Aline Blog11381
Aindrea Blog65235

Luxury Home Owners are Remodeling For A Quick Sale

High priced homes all over are getting a quick remodel in order to the best house available on the market. Homeowners are updating the kitchen, putting in the best patio, or remodeling the master bathroom at all costs. These folks know that whatever the price of a fabulous remodel will pay off in the end when their house is the best and has the quickest sale.

One of the key ways to raise the value of an already valuable home is to do an extensive kitchen remodel. There is just nothing like a new Thermador range or that gourmet kitchen space. Thermador offers appliances from ovens to refrigerators to coffee machines. They are high-end items and add value to the home as well as making a fine presentation. In fact, a kitchen remodel can be the focal selling point in a luxury home.

Overall curb appeal is also taken to a whole new level when it comes to premier properties. Concrete for example has taken a new turn with stamped concrete which is a newer design concept which began back east in the 1950's. It is finally coming into its own upscale designer treatment with the invention of more technically correct stamping tools which make it hard to determine if an item is really paved with slate or stamped with a concrete pattern. Stamp patterned driveways and patios add that special touch to the outside of your home. When you remodel the outside of your home it really adds flair as well as value. Fancy driveways, patios and walkways are a great selling point.

Many are willing to buy the upscale home and then do extensive remodeling once they take possession of the residence. People buying luxury homes are looking for something a bit above the rest and they want amenities in the home to reflect their leisurely lifestyle. They are open to adding any features that aren't already present in the home if they want it bad enough. These buyers have specific requirements in the homes they buy, such as elaborate security systems, gourmet or designer kitchens, home theaters to seat 6 or more, and even wine cellars. As a result, they are willing to do extensive remodels on their homes to raise their property value. They desire furniture and dcor to match their lavish taste.

When it comes to remodeling, the options are limitless and it really does come down to personal preference and improving the overall value in your home will be a great benefit down the road - so go for it!

Alexis Hunter is the Marketing Director for The Morel Group,, which specializes in Fine Rancho Cucamonga Homes. The Morel Team Marketing Experts spare no expense in showcasing your property.Carlota Blog14431
Ashla Blog50406

Restructure Your Debts with Personal Debt Consolidation Loan

Today debts are the common problem among the people, which is growing at a faster rate day by day. Everyone is seeking the ways to overcome the problem of debts. Almost everyday we see the advertisement which offers different packages and schemes that promises to eliminate debts of a person.

One of such promise is also made by debt consolidation loan. But, have you ever thought of the funda behind this. The fact is that the company promising to consolidate your debts, merges all your debts, and let you pay a single monthly installment rather than paying number of bills. In other words, the person will deal with single lender rather than dealing with number of creditors.

One aspect of personal debt consolidation loan is the single monthly payment and another aspect is lower monthly payment. The second aspect can better illustrate through an example. In personal debt consolidation loan, the lender negotiates with the creditors and appeals them to reduce the amount of debt payment. Remember, that the principal amount of debt is not reduced, the basic reduction lies in the interest rate or the other cost such as penalties on early repayments (if any)etc.

There are various other ways to eliminate personal debts such as, through mortgage, remortgage, bankruptcy, individual voluntary agreement etc. But, the bankruptcy and IVAs are not recommended as they are considered as bad credit for a person. On the other hand consolidating debts through a loan or mortgage, add up to the credit score of a person if timely repayments are made. And good credit score always help the person to avail loan in future.

Most of the people have misconception that once they get relieve from the burden of debts they will never get in to it again. But, this is absolutely wrong. Generally, the people are burdened with debts again just of the unplanned expenses. So, in order to avoid such situation the person should plan his budget and make minimum use of credit cards for making payments.

Before entering in the agreement with lender, one must be thorough with each and every aspect of the loan. Even a single unfavorable clause in the agreement can affect the borrower credit status. He must understand each cost involve in the loan. And, the person must prefer a loan deal which is cheaper till the last repayment.

Shopping around is the best way to ensure the best deal. And before availing, it is also recommended to consult with the credit advisor. He will evaluate credit situation and he will suggest you the mode which has a perfect match with your needs.

After having herself gone through the ordeal of loan borrowing, Natasha Anderson understands the need for good quality loan advice. Her articles endeavor to provide you the wise counsel in the most elementary way for the benefit of the readers. She works for the UK Debt Consolidations. To find personal debt consolidation loans, business debt management, loans, unsecured debt consolidation loans, secured loans that best suits your needs visit Blog39510
Ainslee Blog64960

Three Treatment Options For Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a type of skin scar, often caused by rapid pulling of the skin, such as occurs in pregnancy, or with sudden weight gain. Stretch marks can also appear after fast weight loss.

They arise due to breakdown of the dermis, the middle layer of skin which is responsible for maintaining the skins structure and tone. When the dermis breaks down, the surface of the skin will show stretch marks. These normally start out a reddish-purplish color and then gradually fade to a glossy white or silver.

The best way to manage stretch marks is to do your best to prevent them. Drinking plenty of water will keep your skin soft and well hydrated, allowing it to have more give before it breaks. Minimizing caffeine intake, and eating foods high in zinc, protein, and the A, C, and D vitamins can also give your skin a bit more elasticity, thereby reducing the likelihood of stretch marks.

You can also boost your skins hydration and stretch-ability from the outside, by keeping your skin well moisturized. Using an oil rich lotion, such as one made from cocoa butter or shea butter, will reduce your chances of developing stretch marks.

Sometimes, though, total prevention is not possible, and you develop stretch marks anyway. When this happens, what are your treatment options?

Treatment Option #1: Surgical methods

Dermabrasion or chemical peels may be your best surgical options for addressing stretch marks. New advances in laser surgery also make this another possibility. The best treatment for you will depend on your age, skin tone, severity of stretch marks, and level of health.

Laser stretch mark treatment works by building new collagen and repairing the stretch mark from the inside out.

Surgical options can be expensive and may not be covered by your medical insurance.

Treatment Option #2: Lotions or Creams

There are many stretch mark treatments on the market, many of which promise amazing results. Unfortunately, its difficult to determine which creams really work. Your best plan would be to get direct referrals from your doctor, or from trusted family or friends who have successfully treated their stretch marks. Be sure to select lotions or creams which have research and proven results. If youre not totally certain that a cream will work for you, consider asking for a sample or trial size container so you can try it out before committing to a full size container.

Treatment Option #3: Patience

This option refers to being patient, as your stretch marks will fade naturally over time. (Not the fastest treatment option, thats for sure!)

Again, remember that its better to prevent stretch marks than it is to have to treat them. Maintain a healthy diet, keep your skin well moisturized, and avoid excess caffeine. If you do all this, but still have a stretch mark or two, consider a lotion or cream to treat them. If your stretch marks are severe, talk to your doctor about the best surgical treatment options for you, based on your age, skin tone, and stretch mark severity.

Ally McNeal enjoys learning and teaching about skin care. To learn more about the best skin treatments for you, please visit: Blog83403
Ardeen Blog24592

Which of the Hundreds of Tomato Varieties Should I Plant?

Tomatoes are such a staple in the modern diet that it is hard to believe there was a time when this versatile fruit was once thought to be poisonous. Thankfully this member of the nightshade family has been known for centuries now to be a delicious and healthful addition to our diet and is now one of the most popular garden vegetables.

For many people, tomatoes are the most challenging, yet desirable, vegetable crop to grow. But a ripe, juicy homegrown tomato is so delicious and nutritious, people will go to great lengths to produce as many as they possibly can in their gardens. One look at the pale, hard, orange baseballs that grocery stores pass off as tomatoes will also explain why so many gardeners eagerly await the first ripe tomato from their gardens.

Considering that tomatoes are a tropical fruit native to South America, its amazing that we can grow them at all in northern climates. Yes, the tomato is technically a fruit since it grows on a vine. There are literally hundreds of tomato varieties out there to choose from but there are only two types of tomato vines; determinate and indeterminate.

Determinate tomato varieties grow more as a bush, growing only to a certain height and producing most of their fruit all at once. Determinate varieties are most suitable for gardeners who are interested in canning tomatoes since the crop will ripen over a relatively short period of time. Determinate tomato varieties are also a good choice for gardeners with limited space available, and some determinate varieties are well suited to container growing and are an excellent choice for the patio garden.

Determinate tomato plants should never be pruned, as this will severely limit the number of blossom sets the plant can produce, thus reducing the number of tomatoes on the plant. However, an indeterminate variety will continue to grow and will keep producing fruit for the entire life of the plant, or up until frost. Each new set of blossoms will grow farther up the vine as the plant grows. Indeterminate tomato plants also require a bit more care to keep the plants manageable in the garden.

In order to keep these big plants from sprawling all over the ground and creating an impenetrable mass of foliage, indeterminate tomato varieties should be pruned and trellised. A tomato plant that is restricted to producing on only two to four main stems will still produce plenty of fruit and the tomatoes will tend to grow larger than those on an unpruned plant.

To prune an indeterminate tomato plant, simply pinch off the little shoots, or suckers that grow out from the main stem in the crotch between the stem and each leaf branch. Each one of these suckers can grow to become another big stem and would grow its own tomatoes and eventually grow its own suckers. But you dont want your tomato plant to waste time and energy by growing all those suckers. By pruning off most of them, the plant will devote more energy to producing ripe, juicy tomatoes.

Since youll want more than one main stem for tomato production, allow the suckers nearest the bottom of the plant to grow. These will have more blossoms and will be easier to trellis than suckers that sprout higher up on the plant. Pruning will also improve air circulation through the plant which can help prevent disease problems, especially in humid weather.

Once you decide whether to grow determinate or indeterminate tomato varieties, its time to peruse the garden centers or seed catalogs to find the seeds or plants that will produce your prized fruit. Although a few of the more enlightened garden centers are now selling a wider variety of tomato plants, many still offer only a few of the old standby hybrid varieties such as Big Boy and Early Girl.

Youll have more varieties to choose from if you decide to start your tomato plants indoors from seed. Imagine growing tomatoes with names like Cherokee Purple or Mortgage Lifter. Add more color to your favorite tomato salsa recipe with yellow Garden Peach tomatoes, German Pink or Green Zebra. For stuffing tomatoes, try Striped Cavern, and for salads grow some Christmas Grape tomatoes.

If you plan on preserving tomatoes to enjoy over winter, you will want a meatier tomato such as Martinos Roma or Amish Paste for sauces. Wisconsin 55 and Ace are two varieties that are especially good for canning or freezing. There are even varieties that have a lower acid content for the folks who cant eat a high-acid tomato, and varieties that have more Vitamin C than oranges.

Tomatoes are one of the most versatile garden vegetables. There are as many ways to prepare tomatoes as there are tomato varieties. Whether you like to eat them fresh out of the garden like an apple, or you make your own spaghetti sauce or tomato salsa, whether the variety you grow is red, orange, yellow, purple, white or striped, tomatoes are the most useful and tasty garden vegetable.

Kathy Anderson has been an avid gardener for many years and has grown tomatoes by the acre, along with many other vegetables, flowers and landscape plants. Kathy recommends as a great place to learn more about gardening. Article provided by If you use this article the above links must be active.Alena Blog78898
Annnora Blog22270

How To Go About Finding Cheap Computers

Almost everyone knows what a computer is and how to use its basic functions. Some people have their own desktop computers or laptops. Those who do not own a computer may still be able to use one by renting or using the ones in public libraries. However, there are cheap computers that are now available in the market, so it is possible that everyone and their grandmothers will be able to afford it. Computers are really amazing. The technology has evolved so much through the years. A lot of things can be done with the newest models that were not possible on the machines which were the top of the line a few decades ago. Give or take a few years from now, the current computers will be phased out and replaced by a more stable, more feature-packed machine.

A few years ago computers were very expensive. One unit of a desktop computer in 1998 cost about $1,600. Thats a lot. Fast forward to the present. The computers in 1998 are nothing compared to the models that we have now. The machines are faster, more durable, and capable of multitasking. Imagine doing so much in so little time! To top it all off, the cost is definitely worth the product. Nowadays, cheap computers are very easy to find. Promo packages as low as $300 are not impossible to find. In fact, they are all over! You might think that cheap computers are not as good as the high-end ones, but that is not the case. You get the same functionality, durability and technology at a very inexpensive price. But where do you find such cheap computers? Stores like Circuit City and Best Buy offer packages that are very inexpensive. However, there is a cheaper alternative shop online! There are a lot of online stores that sell either promo packages or individual hardware parts for you to assemble. Of course, that is up to you. You purchase a machine that is tailored to your own needs.

These days, owning a computer is essential. There isnt any industry that does not make use of this technology. Computers aid in learning and working. The world is a much smaller place now because of computers and the internet. There are just countless of benefits you can get from one single machine. And it does not cost much. Cheap computers are now available online. That is functionality and information within your reach.

Luke Cameron is the owner of Computer Cubicle, an online magazine offering advice and articles on Computers. You can find his website at: and Blog57538
Cal Blog81676

Writing A Business Plan

Let's talk about. Business plans.

I wanted to get a home business going but I needed extra finance. I had spoken to friends and relatives but they either didnt have the money to spare or they didnt have enough confidence in my ability to repay the money.

Undaunted, I decided to contact my bank manager. I was aware that the first question he would ask would be : Can I see your business plan?

What exactly is a business plan? What does it need to contain?

A business plan is simply a list of answers to questions that are sure to be asked about you and your proposed business. You will not get outside funding unless you have the answers, It is only natural that the people giving you the funding want to know that you have thought your venture through completely. Considered it from every angle, are ready to get going and will have every chance of paying the money back on time.

Your business plan should include? A description of your service or product. Just what is it that you plan to do and how you intend to do it. What experience you have in the world of commerce and in this particular sphere of business.

Who will be your customers? What age group are you aiming at? (If any.) What is the strength of your opposition? What makes your business different from other businesses in your market? You need to explain what makes your believe that you can compete successfully. What is your special edge?

You will need a list of your proposed expenses. Including start up expenses and any equipment that you will need before you can get up and running. What ongoing expenses such as staff costs and supplies will be required, to enable you to start earning any money? How long will it be before the money starts coming in?

How much will you need? For how long you will need the loan? Have you any other income or will you need to live off the loan until you get started? What are your daily expenses and can you reduce them?

What are your assets? The bank will require some sort of security. If you have property that is paid for you should have little difficulty obtaining the finance. Failing that, A life insurance policy that you have had for some years may be enough to get you the O/K.

If all your efforts to obtain outside finance fail, What are you going to do? Will you give up and go back to the old nine to five routine?

Or will you say, You have had your chance to earn some money from me. Thats your hard luck. I will do it without your help. It will take a little longer, but I am determined to get there just the same. Even if I have to totally rethink my plans and concentrate on a different venture altogether. I will succeed and nothing and no-one is going to stop me.

I am going to run my own business

Believe me, With that attitude, nothing can stop you..

That is what happened to me. The bank gave me a resounding NO

I was not put off for the lack of working capital. I had a computer with an internet connection I was half way there. The simplest way to get going was to join a few affiliate programs. I chose ones that had been in business for a few years that had plenty of backup services. They gave me all the help I wouldl ever need. My only added expense was for my advertising budget. I staredt small and worked my way up. As soon as I started selling, I ploughed as much as I could afford back into more advertising.

It is not the amount of money that you spend on advertising that matters. It is the quality of the advertising that brings in the money.

I did well to take the advice of the people who were running the affiliate programs. They knew what they were doing. They only make money when their affiliates sell their goods or services. They have a vested interest in you to ensure that you succeed.

Walk. Dont Run. The one who works smart is the one most likely to win.

Dont let anyone put you off. You can do it.

Copyright 2006 Homer Farey

Homer Farey sells and gives away software and e-books on line. He is also a member of a number of affiliate programs that he joined when he first came onto the net. He finds them too lucrative to even think of giving them up. If you would like to know where he gets the freebies to give away, Take a look by clicking here.: Blog3116
Aleta Blog9035

Understanding Cleaning Production Rates

When bidding a cleaning account, labor is always the biggest expense. In order to determine your labor expense for a cleaning account you'll need to figure out how many hours it will take to get the job done.

In order to determine the number of hours it will take, you'll need to break the job down into production rates by task. Using a cleaning rates production chart will be helpful in figuring this out. A cleaning production rate is not foolproof, but it will give you an average time per task under normal circumstances.

No situation is ever really "normal", so it's helpful to understand different circumstances that could affect a "normal" cleaning production rate.

Square Footage. Perhaps the account you're bidding on has 2500 square feet of vinyl flooring that needs to be mopped. The standard production rate for mopping is 5000 square feet per hour, so that 2500 square feet of floor should take 1/2 hour to mop. However, you need to ask yourself some questions. Is the vinyl flooring all in one large area? Or is it broken up into two floors, with 4 restrooms, a breakroom, copy room, computer room, and utility room? Do you think it will still take 1/2 hour when the floors are scattered throughout the building? This may not be a "normal circumstance" so you need to take that into consideration.

Task Frequency. How often are tasks being performed -- once a day, once a week, once a month? Keep in mind that by lowering the frequency of a task, you're not necessarily reducing time and expense for the customer. Emptying trash 2 days a week versus 5 days a week doesn't really save much time and will affect your production rate. If your bid calls for emptying trash in a busy office twice a week, you may find overflowing trash cans, which will slow your workers down.

Number of Occupants. If you're bidding on a small office building with a few employees and very little public traffic, your production rates will probably soar. However if that same sized building has lots of employees crammed into numerous cubicles, and they get a lot of public traffic, then production rates will go down due to more people occupying the building.

Equipment. If you give your employees the wrong equipment, or give them equipment that has frequent breakdowns, then your production rates will be affected. If your building has wide hallways and open areas, they'll get more accomplished with a wide area vacuum, or a backpack vacuum versus a 12" upright vacuum.

Area of the Country. Buildings located in climates that have snowfall or lots of rain will have more maintenance required due to snow, salt, sand and dirt getting tracked into the building. Climates with high humidity can also affect production rates for hard floor care and carpet cleaning, as drying times are much slower.

Customer Standards. One of the most intangible variables in regards to cleaning production rates has to do with customer standards. Is your prospective customer primarily interested in price? Then perhaps the "normal" production rates will be accurate. However, if your customer is dissatisfied with the current cleaning contractor because the quality of service is not there, then your production rates could be affected because you'll want to make sure your employees are spending enough time on each task.

Keeping these circumstances in mind when walking through a building and bidding on a new cleaning account will help you "massage" the numbers the way they should be for this particular bid.

Copyright 2006 The Janitorial Store

Steve Hanson is co-founder of, an online community for owners of cleaning companies. Sign up for Trash Talk:Tip of the Week at Read success stories at Blog49832
Alicia Blog35456

Developing Powerful Presentation Skills

Powerful presentations are the cornerstone of most sales careers.

In this article, well explore some of the ways you can make more impressive presentations. As a result, youll win more business impress current customers and maybe even get a raise. Here are a few things to work on to develop presentations that stand out.

First of all, lets talk about your appearance. As obvious as it sounds, a good presentation begins with how you present yourself. Although you dont need to wear high-priced designer suits its a good idea to be well groomed. A neat haircut, neatly trimmed beard or clean shave for men and a professional decorum go a long way to making an impressive presentation. Of course, you should dress appropriately for the occasion. The quick Friday afternoon meeting with your team may require a different dress code than a presentation in front of potential clients.

Second, you must know your topic cold. Again, that kind of goes without saying. But it must be said. Because far too many people wing their presentations and wonder why things dont go right. A good idea is to practice your presentation in front of a mirror. Depending on how much hinges on the presentation you may want to take from a few days to a few weeks to polish your pitch, as it were.

Next, your presentation materials should be relevant and top notch. Handouts especially those with graphics should be prepared on a business copier or by a professional printer. Computer presentations are usually best done using Powerpoint. Whatever format you present in make sure it reflects a high level of knowledge on the matter and professional competence from you.

Fourth, you might want to consider allowing a question and answer session. Why? Because most presentations are sort of like lectures. So, at times, they get downright boring. Involving the audience allows for meaningful exchange. In addition, you will find out some things from the questions you get that you didnt consider bringing up. The questions your audience asks evidence what they are interested in learning. So encourage questions and focus on the ones that are of most interest to your audience.

Finally, if you really want to leave a lasting impact, consider following up with your audience after the presentation. A neat idea would be to either audio or video record the presentation and send it to the members of your audience after the presentation.

Just imagine being a potential client who is looking for a vendor like you. They shop around and listen to several different presentations from you and your competitors. But you are the only one to send them the presentation so they can review it. This is critical. Your handouts can not give the same impression as the actual presentation. If you were to capture on audio or video and send it to your prospects where that is practical you will greatly increase your chance of getting their business.

Consider these points when you are preparing your next presentation.

John Anghelache owns and operates Presentation Skills.Cam Blog46974
Annette Blog5741

How to Read a Seed Catalog

Long before the first daffodils of the year come into bloom, seed catalogs are delivered to our mailboxes to herald the arrival of Spring. A good seed catalog contains so much information, it can sometimes be overwhelming for a novice gardener to decide which seeds to buy for their garden. Today Ill explain how to interpret catalog descriptions for vegetable, herb and flower seeds.

Lets start with vegetable and herb seed descriptions, since theyre fairly straightforward. A typical catalog listing for these seeds will look something like this description for lettuce seeds:

Black Seeded Simpson (45 Day) Crisp, tender and sweet. Heat resistant. Pkt. $1.25

In this description, Black Seeded Simpson is the name of the lettuce variety. 45 Day refers to the average length of time from when the seeds germinate until the plant matures and is ready to harvest. Keep in mind that this number should be used only as an estimation. The actual maturity time will vary slightly with your particular growing conditions and the weather. This number is a rough guide and should be used mostly as a comparison with other varieties and when planning when to plant successive crops.

Thats pretty simple, right? But catalog descriptions arent that cut and dried for every vegetable.

Take sweet corn, for instance. The catalog description may indicate the length you can expect each ear to be at maturity, and even how many rows of kernels to expect on each ear. But you may also see some odd letters after the names of the corn varieties offered in some catalogs. EH, se, sh2, suits like a secret code. Actually, these letters tell you a little about the flavor you can expect long before you ever bite into the first sweet, tender ear.

First of all, when you see any of these designations after the variety name, youll know youre looking at a hybrid corn variety. These hybrids have been developed for certain desirable characteristics, such as flavor, tenderness, or durability for shipping.

An su hybrid is a normal sugary hybrid. They tend to be creamy and sweet, but they dont store well. An su hybrid should be eaten within a couple of days of harvest. This would be a good choice for a home garden, but a poor choice for a commercial corn grower. They tend to not cross pollinate with the neighbors corn.

An se variety is a sugary enhanced hybrid. These varieties have a smooth, butter texture, very tender kernels and a longer harvest period. Sugary enhanced hybrids also tend to not cross pollinate readily, and need not be isolated from your neighbors corn.

Supersweet hybrid corn is designated as sh2. These varieties have a gene that enhances their sweetness and produces firm, crisp and juicy kernels. The texture is not as creamy as se or su varieties, but supersweet varieties do hold their flavor for up to ten days after harvest, making them a good choice for commercial growers. Supersweet corn will cross pollinate readily with other corn varieties, resulting in starchy kernels, so its best to plant supersweet varieties at least 25 feet from other corn in your garden.

Now lets talk about flower seeds.

Flowering plants are categorized as either Annuals, Biennials or Perennials. Annuals will complete their entire life cycle in one growing season. Their seeds are planted in the spring, the plant grows rather quickly and blooms that same season. Marigolds and sunflowers are examples of flowering annuals.

A biennial plant will spend its first growing season establishing itself and storing energy. But its not until the following growing season that a biennial will bloom. Foxgloves and hollyhocks are biennials.

Perennials are plants that will continue to grow year after year without being replanted. They typically go dormant over winter and grow back from their roots the following spring. Astilbe, hostas and daylilies are examples of perennials.

Before choosing seeds from a catalog, youll need to know which growing zone you live in. Growing zones, also known as hardiness zones, are based on the average minimum temperatures for each zone. A growing zone map is included in every good garden catalog, making it quite easy to identify your gardens hardiness zone. Growing zones with higher numbers are in warmer climates, while growing zones with lower numbers are in the north.

For all perennials, biennials, trees and shrubs, catalogs will indicate the range of zones in which the plants will perform consistently. For instance, Blue Fountains delphinium is listed as hardy in zones 3-7. This plant would not be likely to survive a long, cold winter in zone 2, nor would it tend to grow well in the heat of zones 8 or 9.

For best results and the most satisfaction from your gardening efforts, always choose seeds for plants that are hardy to the growing zone you live in. Buy seeds from a reputable company and avoid discounted seeds left over from the previous year. Most seed companies print planting instructions for each seed variety right on the back of the seed packet. By following these instructions carefully and choosing your seeds wisely, youll be well on your way to having a terrific garden.

Kathy Anderson has been an avid gardener for many years and has grown tomatoes by the acre, along with many other vegetables, flowers and landscape plants. Kathy recommends as a great place to learn more about gardening. Article provided by If you use this article the above links must be active.Brier Blog6196
Cele Blog3180

Mortgage Loans - Which one is right for me?

There seem to literally be thousands of mortgage programs out there so how do I know which one is best for me? Finding the right mortgage program to fit your needs and your financial goals can be difficult to do unless you are working with the "right" mortgage professional and asking the "right" questions.

Which mortgage program is right for me? This is a very common question asked by many consumers. There is no one answer fits all type response that can be given. Each and every individual person has their own specific financial situation and their own financial goals and dreams. With the number of mortgage programs out there to choose from being in the hundreds and maybe even the thousands, this can be a difficult decision trying to figure out what is going to be best for you. There are interest only loans, ARM loans, Pay Option ARM loans, balloons, fixed rate loans, extendable balloons, conventional loans, FHA loans, and many, many others to consider. Therefore, so what do I need to think about when choosing a loan program then?

Some of the main factors that you will want to consider when choosing which mortgage loan is right for you are: how long will you live in your home, do you have any children attending college currently or within the next few years, is this a starter home, will you have a pre-payment penalty, are you expecting any new family members to be added to your family, how much do you have in liquid assets, are you self-employed or do you work for someone, how much longer until you plan on retiring, do you have enough money for retirement, do you have many other financial obligations besides a mortgage, do you own any other property, and many, many others. Answering these questions, or at least thinking about them before you are ready to finance a home mortgage loan can help to greatly improve your chances of finding the right mortgage loan to meet your demands.

A fixed rate mortgage is always going to provide the most stability in the long run, however since most Americans sell or refinance every 4.6 years a fixed rate does not always make the most sense. An ARM loan can provide a cheaper payment and a lower interest rate upfront for a certain number of years, but there is a lot more risk involved obtaining an ARM loan because of the uncertainty of what will happen after the fixed rate period expires on the ARM. Interest only loans are good for real estate investors and consumers who need the flexibility of being able to make only the interest portion of the monthly payments. Pay Option ARM loans can be a great way to maximize cash flow, especially for self-employed and commissioned borrowers. However, Pay Option ARM loans can incur negative amortization, which is when your balance increases instead of decreases. There are a lot of items that you need to make sure that you understand before entering into a Pay Option ARM loan. FHA loans are usually better for homebuyers, especially first time who may not have the best credit or the best overall financial situation.

Thus, find a good mortgage professional and keep him or her for the rest of your days. The more you work with one person the more familiar they will be with your situation and be able to understand where you are coming from and where you want to go. This will help to insure that you find the proper mortgage loan for your situation.

Dave Zwierecki is a licensed mortgage professional with First Security Financial Services and has over 10 years of experience in the credit and mortgage lending fields. For more information, or to learn more, please visit: or for more information on mortgage loan programs visit: Blog28934
Ardeen Blog75650

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